Non-Profit Leaders Brief: bite-sized insights for busy non-profit leaders.
I read. A LOT. And I'm constantly reading nerdy nuggets that I know every busy non-profit leader would benefit from, if only they had the time to deep-dive into books about campaigning and systems change.
Throughout 2019-2020, I created the Non-Profit Leaders Brief series, pulling out some of those best nuggets into 1-pagers, so we can all do better together. Most of them are relevant under this Disrupt for Good banner (even if they don't match the new colours!) so I'll leave these here as resources. Below them are 3 articles I've had published on Charity Village.
Throughout 2019-2020, I created the Non-Profit Leaders Brief series, pulling out some of those best nuggets into 1-pagers, so we can all do better together. Most of them are relevant under this Disrupt for Good banner (even if they don't match the new colours!) so I'll leave these here as resources. Below them are 3 articles I've had published on Charity Village.
Click on the graphics to get to the PDFs.
Three expert tips to level up your Advocacy Writingby Jennifer van Gennip
published on Charity Village, June 2019 |
The Canadian charitable sector is currently enjoying the most relaxed rules in over a decade regarding the resources we can put toward advocating for policy change. But after several years of strict limitations through the CRA “10% rule,” advocacy is a muscle that has atrophied in many of our organizations.
The end result is that for many of us, mostly out of necessity, we’ve prioritized treating the symptoms of bad policy over working to replace those policies with better ones.
However, there’s an increasing appetite in our sector to advocate for widespread policy changes to address the systemic inequities that our clients are bearing the brunt of, even if it is off the sides of our desks.
If you find yourself drawn toward this work, or you have already started but aren’t feeling very confident in your efforts, here are three specific strategies to help with your advocacy communications and messaging. Keep reading...
The end result is that for many of us, mostly out of necessity, we’ve prioritized treating the symptoms of bad policy over working to replace those policies with better ones.
However, there’s an increasing appetite in our sector to advocate for widespread policy changes to address the systemic inequities that our clients are bearing the brunt of, even if it is off the sides of our desks.
If you find yourself drawn toward this work, or you have already started but aren’t feeling very confident in your efforts, here are three specific strategies to help with your advocacy communications and messaging. Keep reading...
The facts on facts: Using data effectively for change |
As advocates, we are always striving for messaging that will change minds and motivate our audience to action. Part of this challenge includes finding that perfect balance of storytelling and data.
Luckily, we don’t have to keep guessing as to the magic formula - there is research to guide us on this. Read on for four tips from messaging researchers that you can use to write your next advocacy piece with confidence. Keep reading...
Luckily, we don’t have to keep guessing as to the magic formula - there is research to guide us on this. Read on for four tips from messaging researchers that you can use to write your next advocacy piece with confidence. Keep reading...
Non-profit Communications during COVID-19 |
Whether we have been trying to get people to #stayhome, using this moment to advocate for workers’ rights, or fighting for policies to address the inequities in our society that this COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted, non-profit communicators have been working hard these last few months to get critical messages out to our audiences.
For this article I have curated a round-up of my four favourite suggestions on communicating during COVID-19. Keep reading...
For this article I have curated a round-up of my four favourite suggestions on communicating during COVID-19. Keep reading...
Report on Successful Advocacy Campaigning/Directed Network Campaigns.
The good people at NetChange produced a report that "maps out the strategies and practices that made 47 of today’s most successful advocacy campaigns work while so many others failed to create lasting change." You can download it here.
It's a great report - but it is 42 pages long, which means a lot of non-profit leaders who are not professional campaigners won't read it, so I have distilled the biggest takeaways for non-profit leaders into a summary you can download: Winning Your Push For Change. |